This is my sketch blog.
email: eleanor (at) doing-fine (dot) com / portfolio / shop / twitter / tumblr




Lisa Frankin' it. I started this comic after reading Forming by Jesse Moynihan and a) wanting to do a comic in color and b) wanting to do a comic that's serious, but also really funny. This comic will not, I think, wind up being funny; it might not end up existing at all.

Sketch of (my friend and extremely good artist) Michele Chidester.


I draw people laughing and crying a lot, and once tried to turn that into a final piece - it looks interesting, and was good gouache practice, but otherwise didn't really work. It's big, too.

I did the poster for this years Thought Bubble Comics Festival in Leeds!


All these have themes that show up again here and here and elsewhere - the New Earthly Garden series. The above image is some life drawing combined with plant drawing practice using Sibley's Guide to Trees.

Trying to draw more comics to take the fear out. Miriam Ivanoff's Comic a Day project was an inspiration for these, but I'm a lot lazier than she is.

Animals drawn at Bear Hollow.

I was trying to read a book on economics and listening to too much NPR when I drew this batch.

Final to hair-pulling pic. (Better?)

"Animal the color of flowers" is a line in Stevenson's Weir of Hermiston, which (full disclosure) I have not read. I know it from the wonderful, wonderful lecture series This Craft of Verse by Borges.

Sketches for Athens Tiny Farm illos


I've been in 3 Giant Robot post-it shows (1 2 3) and they're always fun - just doodling until I come up with 10 images someone might pay $20 for. Here are some that didn't make the cut, but are still kind of interesting.













My friend David Mack (who is a fantastic artist) and I found this graffiti where the train tracks go under the loop and we wanted to share it with folks. If you're in Athens, Georgia and you want to check it out go the end of Satula - there's a path down to the tracks. The pieces were just painted in regular house paint. Some of them are pretty large, about 18' high.